Deaf dogs and adopting less-adoptable dogs
Elsie was rescued by That Place Called Home and adopted by Connie Bombaci
By RONNIE CASEY | (Edited by Connie Bombaci)
PUBLISHED: September 16, 2022 at 2:34 p.m. | UPDATED: October 5, 2022.
Two weeks ago I discussed a type of special needs pet, blind dogs. Many factors may make a pet seem less adoptable, such as having a missing eye or limb. Also included in the list are those with health conditions, such as cats with FIV and heartworm-positive dogs.
Other special needs may have to do with past emotional or physical trauma. This month, to promote these special animals, Petfinder has designated the third week of September as Adopt-A-Less-Adoptable-Pet Week. In addition, Deaf Dog Awareness Week was Sept. 18-24 which spotlights another type of special need pet that also may be considered less adoptable.
We had a deaf dog. Even though we did not have her tested, it was very apparent since she never reacted to anything quieter than a mega-ton explosion. However, she barked, played, and, from all outward appearances, did not appear to realize she was deaf. She went on happily with her life. We learned that deaf dogs don’t care that they are deaf. We learned that deaf dogs are just dogs and, like people, have their own quirks and personalities. We learned that deaf dogs are just as loving and devoted as any hearing dog.
Judea loved children and often visited schools to teach children that being different makes them special…and everyone is different.
Deaf dogs really do make wonderful pets. Take it from one who knows. Anything you may have heard to the contrary is cloaked with misunderstanding and bias. The only genuine limitation is that a deaf dog should not roam freely unless there is an enclosed, secured, safe area available for them to do so. A deaf dog cannot hear danger approaching, like a car. Otherwise, a deaf dog trains as easily as a dog that hears. The only difference is that one must use non-verbal signals rather than verbal commands.
Like any training, you must first get the attention of your student. Deaf dogs will not respond to you calling their name because they simply cannot hear you calling. However, they will react to other types of stimuli. Stomping your foot on the ground causes vibrations that they can feel. Waving a flashlight, or clicking it on and off, will usually garner attention, especially when the dog responds and the reward is a tasty treat. In addition, you can use a vibrating collar, which differs substantially from shock collars. These collars only vibrate and are not distressful to the animal.
When teaching basic commands to any dog, the use of hand signals is common practice. Therefore, training a deaf dog with the use of them is perfectly natural. As always when training, after getting the animal’s attention, a command (signal) is given to the animal to accomplish a specific act, after which a reward is provided. Some people create their own set of hand signs for particular words like sit, stay, down, walk, etc., while others learn a few basic words in American Sign Language.
Whatever you choose to do, remember that the signal must remain consistent, so the animal associates the word and the action. Lastly, never strike a deaf dog with your hands. Your hands are the way you communicate with the animal and should always be positive, reassuring tools.
A common myth is that deaf dogs are more aggressive. The reason behind the myth is that if you startle a deaf dog, it will bite. Any dog, whether deaf or not, when startled, may snap or snarl out of fear. Therefore, it is important to work with the dog, so the animal is comfortable having someone come from behind and touch it. A few times a day, wake your dog by very gently touching its shoulder or back, then reward it immediately with a treat.
Soon the dog will associate waking with something good. If you do not want to startle the dog, stomp your foot or bump the bed, they are sleeping on. Chances are the vibration will awaken them. Again, always provide a reward.
Deaf dogs have a tendency to bond strongly with their guardians. In the community of those who have deaf dogs, these animals are affectionately known as Velcro dogs since they are most comfortable when they are near their person. As with hearing dogs, some may develop separation anxiety. However, the training methods to condition them to be unafraid of being alone are the same as it is for any other dog. Always remember, deaf dogs can do agility, therapy, etc., almost anything a hearing dog can do. There is nothing wrong with them. They are simply dogs that cannot hear.
If you are thinking of adding a deaf canine companion to your life, a must-read is the international award-winning book Hogan’s Hope: A Deaf Hero’s Inspirational Quest for Love and Acceptance by Connie Bombaci. Tips and methods of living with our special pups are co-authored by Bombaci and Dr. Nicholas Dodman, internationally renowned animal behaviorist at Tufts University. Hogan was the deaf dog who broke open the doors for deaf dogs by appearing on television programs including The Oprah Winfrey Show, Jack Hanna’s Animal Adventures, Dateline NBC, and Good Morning America. The Deaf Dog Education Action Fund, (, and Deaf Dogs Rock ( websites are good locations to find additional helpful information and resources. In addition, the books, “A Deaf Dog Joins the Family: Training, Education, and Communication for a Smooth Transition,” by Terrie Hayward, “Living With a Deaf Dog,” by Susan Cope Becker and “Acorn’s DEAFinitely Awesome Dictionary of Signs,” by Mary L. Motley may also prove to be quite helpful.
As author Charlotte Schwartz wrote, “For perhaps if the truth were known, we’re all a little blind, a little deaf, a little handicapped, a little lonely, a little less than perfect. And if we can learn to appreciate a dog’s full potentials, we will, together, make it in this life on earth.” I couldn’t agree more. Why not give these special pets a chance?
Hogan proved that deaf dogs can do anything!
Ronnie Casey has been volunteering with the Tehama County Animal Care Center since relocating in 2011. A retired R.N., she strives to help animals in need within Tehama county. She can be reached at