Why You Should NEVER Leave a Four-Year-Old Alone with a Dog
This article is courtesy of Your Dog Magazine by Tufts University
We have often said that leaving a dog and a child younger than six alone together is not a good idea. That’s true no matter how gentle the dog and no matter how well-behaved the child. A preschooler may not realize she’s hurting the dog if, say, she wants to press her pet’s eyes to see if they’re squidgy. Or she may want to play with the toys of a possessive dog and may misinterpret the animal’s displeasure. A new study only strengthens the case for not leaving small children and dogs to their own devices.
Looking at the responses of about 30 adults and 30 young children, researchers in Finland have found that a 6-year-old can recognize aggression in a dog’s face as well as an adult. A 4-year-old cannot.
Keep in mind that a child may unintentionally provoke a dog in an effort to play with their pet. That’s why, until about the time your youngster enters first grade, it’s so important to be present when she and the dog are together.