
Essential Oils and our Dogs

Judea and her bed are on the floor where substances accumulate.

Judea and her bed are on the floor where substances accumulate.

I love using fragrances in my home but must admit that I never gave much thought about the effects that these smells might be having on my precious dogs.

While surfing the internet, an article popped up and caused me great alarm. The candles, home fragrances, and essential oils that I have been using may be harming my beloved dogs who I want to take the very best care of and protect them. To think that I could be doing something that would hurt them was - is- completely unacceptable.

Because of this concern, I did some additional reading and came across some lists. In addition to the lists, I came to realize just how much more my pups are exposed to these scents and possible toxins more than we humans the caretakers.

Dogs have an amazing ability to smell things many times more than we do. They are also lower to the floor where the scents drop They are also on the floor where the residue of the sprays, diffusion, and burnings collect and then get on our pets coats. As our animals lick themselves, they actually ingest these possibly dangerous, even toxic, substances.

I found the following list on a link provided by

“Some oils that are generally considered safe for dogs when used correctly are:

  • Cardamom - Diuretic, anti-bacterial, normalizes appetite, colic, coughs, heartburn and nausea

  • Cedarwood - helps to repel fleas, ticks, and dog lice

  • Chamomille - promotes relaxation and calming

  • Frankincense - has helped in some cases of cancer. Works on the immune system. Has reduced tumors and external ulcers. Increases blood supply to the brain (although it can worsen hypertension so use caution)

  • Lavender - can help with relaxation and motion sickness

  • Spearmint - helps to reduce weight. Good for colic, diarrhea, nausea. Helps balance metabolism, stimulates gallbladder.

Essential oils that can be safely used with cats in the correct dosage

Remember that cats are much more sensitive to essential oils than other animals. Oils used with cats must be highly diluted and some oils should be avoided altogether. Use therapeutic-grade oils. Do not use essential oils designed for aromatherapy. Do not use oils on cats daily. Use them sparingly and only on an as-needed basis. Always give a cat an escape if you're using a diffuser for yourself.

Some oils that are generally considered safe for cats when used correctly are:

  • Cardamom

  • Cedarwood

  • Frankincense

  • Geranium

  • Helichrysum

  • Lavender

  • Myrrh

Essential oils that can be toxic to pets (especially undiluted)

For cats, avoid using:

  • Citrus Oils

  • Clove

  • Basil

  • Birch

  • Cassia

  • Cinnamon

  • Clove

  • Fennel

  • Melaleuca (tea tree)

  • Oregano

  • Peppermint

  • Thyme

  • Wintergreen

For dogs, avoid using:

  • Anise

  • Clove

  • Horseradish

  • Juniper

  • Thyme

  • Wintergreen

  • Yarrow”

I hope that this gives you a better awareness of something we might be doing that could potentially harm our wonderful pets.
